Tuesday, June 9, 2009

City asking for 5% cut in water use.

We all need to do our part to conserve water and not be foolish. But shouldn’t the city government also conserve water?

Here is a question, why do you keep approving new buildings and new homes when we are running out of resources and space! Quit being whores! I go through the city and see so many empty buildings, why not use them up first? There are tons of spaces available and I would hope the city would encourage or even create incentives to fill those sites up first! But no, it’s all about the money isn’t it! Got to make more money! How long has the old Circuit City location by Walmart been empty? Now we have a new Circuit City location empty. How about the CompUSA building on Day Creek, just to name a few what I consider to be prime locations.

If we want to save water and other resources lets use the one hundered or more empty locations first. Create incentives, expose perspective businesses to these locations before you just continue to build more and more with no regard for our dwindling resources.

That is just my uninformed opinion, what the heck do I know?


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